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[01 Jul 2010] Convention tourism is more profitable than that of cruises

September 5, 2013

People who come to the city to participate in a congress, normally of a professional nature, will spend on average between three and five times more than those tourists who come ashore from cruise liners. This figure is taken from the most recent reports carried out by different specialised institutions in the convention sector. These sources put the daily expenditure figure of convention participants at between 200 and 300 euro in the cities where they are staying.

Typically, conventions last between 2 and 4 days and they have a very structured schedule. Convention organisers generally contract the services of a caterer, thus the participants usually have their meals covered. Nevertheless, as these meetings are of a professional nature, many of the participants opt to break away from the group and they decide to eat at one of that city's establishments. It is therefore essential that the Convention Centre is located only a few minutes away from the city centre, giving participants the opportunity to visit the commercial and restaurant establishments. This is one of the main advantages that Palma has, unlike other cities such as Seville or Torremolinos, which host many congresses and whose convention centres are quite distant from the urban centres.Even should the participants not eat at local restaurants, their presence still benefits the city's local catering companies. Likewise, hotels can count on hefty profits. Normally, participants at these meetings stay at hotels of four stars or more. Source: Diario Información.

Date last modified: November 30, 2022